Nice article. One other point that I usually see in more experienced developer is the tendency to search for something already done instead of reinventing the weel, studiyng something already done but configuring it, while junior developers instead tend more to write their own code even if it's a really common task.
Regarding flowcharts, I hoestly do not get why split path should be clearer than decision symbol wich is a standardized way of rapresenting decisions.
Also, you will need the "YES" and "NO" explanation, while in the decision there is a convenction where NO is always on the right while YES on the bottom.
Another interesting point it's about ownership, I couldn't agree more about you positioning as the number 1. There is a reason in fact this is one of the most important Amazon leadership principles for example. But having ownership is HARD for a Junior or a Senior developer in standard organization, where you are just a WEEL that needs to keep rolling to produce wealth. It's hard to transmit to people working for you the desire, craving and enthusiasm of doing a great job producing an awesome product.
Thank you and keep up the good work.